Journal papers
T. Judge, O. Bernard, W-J Cho Kim, A. Gomez, A. Chartsias, and P-M Jodoin (2024)
Uncertainty Propagation for Echocardiography Clinical Metric Estimation via Contour Sampling,
sumitted to IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, p.1-12;
N.Painchaud, P-Y. Courand, P-M. Jodoin, N. Duchateau, O. Bernard (2024)
Fusing Echocardiography Images and Medical Records for Continuous Patient Stratification,
sumitted to IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, p.1-12;
A. Theberge, C. Desrosiers, M. Descoteaux, P-M. Jodoin (2024)
What Matters in Reinforcement Learning for Tractography,
Medical Image Analysis, vol 93, p.1-52; arxiv:2305.09041;
F. Dumais, J.H Legarreta, C. Lemaire, P. Poulin, F. Rheault, L. Petit, M. Barakovic, S. Magon, M. Descoteaux*, P-M Jodoin* (2023)
FIESTA: Autoencoders for accurate fiber segmentation in tractography,
Neuroimage, 279, 120288, p.1-36;
Y. Skandarani, P-M Jodoin, A.Lalande (2023)
GANs for Medical Image Synthesis: An Empirical Study,
Journal of Imaging, 9(3), 69, p.1-16; arXiv:2105.05318;
M-A. Armenta, T. Judge, N. Painchaud, Y. Skandarani, C. Lemaire, G. G. Sanchez, P. Spino, P-M Jodoin (2023)
Neural Teleportation,
Mathematics, 11(2), 480, p.1-27; arXiv:2012.01118;
J. H. Legarreta, L. Petit, P-M. Jodoin*, M. Descoteaux* (2023)
Generative sampling in tractography using autoencoders (GESTA),
Medical Image Analysis, (85), p.1-25; arxiv:2204.10891;
G Theaud, M. Edde, M. Dumont, C.Zotti, M.Zucchelli, S. Deslauriers-Gauthier, R. Deriche, P-M Jodoin*, M. Descoteaux* (2022)
DORIS: a diffusion MRI-based 10 tissue class deep learning segmentation algorithm tailored to improve anatomically-constrained tractography.,
Frontiers in Neuroimaging, (1), p.1-22;
B. Anctil-Robitaille, A. Théberge, P-M Jodoin, M. Descoteaux, C. Desrosiers, H. Lombaert (2022)
Manifold-aware Synthesis of High-resolution Diffusion from Structural Imaging,
Frontiers in Neuroimaging, (1), p.1-20;
A. Duran, O. Rouvière, T. Jaouen, P-M. Jodoin, C. Lartizien (2022)
ProstAttention-Net: a deep attention model for prostate cancer segmentation by aggressiveness in MRI scans,
Medical Image Analysis, 77, p.1-18;
P. Poulin, G. Theaud, F. Rheault, E. St-Onge, A. Bore, E. Renauld, L. de Beaumont, S. Guay. P-M Jodoin, M. Descoteaux (2022)
TractoInferno: A large-scale, open-source, multi-site database for machine learning dMRI tractography,
Nature, Scientific Data, 9, 725, p.1-32; bioRxiv 2021.11.29.470422;
N.Painchaud, N.Duchateau, O.Bernard, P-M Jodoin (2022)
Echocardiography Segmentation with Enforced Temporal Consistency,
IEEE trans. on Medical Imaging 41(10), p.2867-2878;
Y. Skandarani, A.Lalande, J. Afilalo*, P-M Jodoin* (2022)
GANs in Cardiology,
Canadian Journal of Cardiology 38(2), p.196–203;
J.H. Legaretta, L. Petit, F. Rheault, G. Theaud, C. Lemaire, M. Descoteaux*, P.-M.Jodoin* (2021)
Tractography filtering using autoencoders,
Elsevier Medical Image Analysis, 72, p.1-23; arXiv:2010.04007;
Y. Skandarani, P-M Jodoin, A. Lalande (2021)
Deep Learning based Cardiac MRI segmentation: Do we need experts?,
Algorithms, 14, 212, p.1-10; arXiv:2107.11447;
M-A. Armenta, P-M Jodoin (2021)
The Representation Theory of Neural Networks,
Mathematics, 9(24), 3214, p.1-42; arXiv:2007.12213;
A. Théberge, C.Desrosiers, M.Descoteaux*, P-M Jodoin* (2021)
Track-To-Learn: A general framework for tractography with deep reinforcement learning,
Medical Image Analysis, 72, p.1-22; bioRxiv:2020.11.16.385229;
B. Kim, J. Dolz, P-M Jodoin, C. Desrosiers (2021)
Privacy-Net: An Adversarial Approach for Identity-Obfuscated Segmentation of Medical Images,
IEEE Transactions on medical imaging, 40(7), p.1737-1749; arXiv:1909.04087;
N.Painchaud, Y.Skandarani, T.Judge, O.Bernard, A.Lalande, P-M. Jodoin (2020)
Cardiac Segmentation with Strong Anatomical Guarantees,
IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging, 39(11), p.3703-3713; arXiv:2006.08825;
S. Leclerc, E. Smistad, A. Østvik, F. Cervenansky, F. Espinosa, T. Espeland, E. A. R. Berg, T. Grenier, C. Lartizien, P.-M. Jodoin, L. Lovstakken, and O. Bernard (2020)
Lu-net: A multi-task network to improve the robustness of deep learning segmentation in 2d echocardiography,
IEEE trans. on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control (UFFC) 67(12), p.2519-2530; arXiv:2004.02043;
M. Dumont, M. Roy, P-M Jodoin, F.C. Morency, J-C Houde, Z. Xie, C. Bauer, T.A. Samad, K.R.A. Van Dijk, J.A. Goodman, M.Descoteaux (2019)
Free water in white matter differentiates MCI and AD from control subjects,
Front Aging Neuroscience, 11(270), p.1-9;;
P. Poulin, D. Jörgens, P-M Jodoin*, M Descoteaux* (2019)
Tractography and machine learning: Current state and open challenges,
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (24), p.37-48; arXiv:1902.05568;
J Z Bojorquez, P-M Jodoin, S Bricq, P. M. Walker, F Brunotte, A Lalande (2019)
Automatic classification of tissues on prostate MRI based on relaxation times and support vector machine,
PLOS ONE 14(2), p.1-17;
S. Leclerc, E Smistad, J Pedrosa, A Ostvik, F Espinosa, T. Espeland, E.A. Rye Berg, P-M. Jodoin, T. Grenier, C. Lartizien, J. Dhooge, L. Lovstakken, O. Bernard (2019)
Deep convolutional network for 2-D echocardiographic segmentation based on an open large-scale patient database,
IEEE transactions on Medical Imaging, 38(9), p.p.2198-2210; arXiv:1908.06948v2;
C. Zotti, Z. Luo, A. Lalande, P-M Jodoin (2019)
Convolutional Neural Network with Shape Prior Applied to Cardiac MRI Segmentation,
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 23(3), p.1119-1128;
Z. Luo, F.B.Charron, C.Lemaire, J.Konrad, S.Li, A.Mishra, A. Achkar, J. Eichel, P-M Jodoin (2018)
MIO-TCD: A new benchmark dataset for vehicle classification and localization,
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 27(10), p.5129-5141;
O. Bernard, A. Lalande, C. Zotti, F. Cervenansky, X. Yang, P.-A. Heng, I. Cetin, K. Lekadir, O. Camara, M.A. Gonzalez-Ballester, G. Sanroma, S. Napel, S. Petersen, G. Tziritas, E. Grinias, M. Khened, V.A. Kollerathu, G. Krishnamurthi, M.-M. Rohé, X. Pennec, M. Sermesant, F. Isensee, P. Jager, K.H. Maier-Hein, C.F. Baumgartner, L.M. Koch, J.M. Wolterink, I. Isgum, Y. Jang, Y. Hong, J. Patravali, S. Jain, O. Humbert, P-M Jodoin (2018)
Deep Learning Techniques for Automatic MRI Cardiac Multi-structures Segmentation and Diagnosis: Is the Problem Solved?,
IEEE transactions on Medical Imaging, 37(11), p.p.2514-2525;
S. Obaid, A. Tucholka, J. Ghaziri, P-M Jodoin, F Morency, M Descoteaux, A Bouthillier, D. K. Nguyen (2018)
Cortical thickness analysis in operculo-insular epilepsy,
Neuroimage Clinical, 19, p.727-733;
Luo Z, Jodoin P-M, Su S-Z, Li S, Larochelle H (2018)
Traffic Analytics with Low Frame Rate Videos,
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 28(4), p.878-891;
Cousineau M., Jodoin P-M, Morency F., Rozanski V., GrandMaison M., Bedell B.J., Descoteaux M. (2017)
A Test-Retest Study on Parkinsons PPMI Dataset Yields Statistically Significant White Matter Fascicles,
NeuroImage Clinical, 16, p.222-233;
Jodoin P-M, Maddaelena L., Petrosino A., Wang Y. (2017)
Extensive Benchmark and Survey of Background Modeling Methods,
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 26(11), p.5244-5256;
Bernier M., Jodoin P-M, Humbert O., Lalande A. (2017)
Graph Cut-Based Method for Segmenting the Left Ventricle from MRI or Echocardiographic Images,
Computerized medical imaging and graphics, 58, p.1-12;
Havaei M., Davy A., Warde-Farley D., Biard A., Courville A., Bengio Y., Pal C., Jodoin P-M, Larochelle H. (2017)
Brain Tumor Segmentation with Deep Neural Networks,
Medical Image Analysis, Vol 35, p.18-31;
Maier O. et al. (2017)
SLES 2015 - A public evaluation benchmark for ischemic stroke lesion segmentation from multispectral MRI,
Medical Image Analysis, Vol 35, p.250-269;
Wang Y., Piérard S., Su S-Z., Jodoin P-M (2017)
Improving pedestrian detection using motion-guided filtering,
Pattern Recognition Letters, 96, p.106-112;
Wang Y, Luo Z., Jodoin P-M (2017)
Interactive Deep Learning Method for Segmenting Moving Objects,
Pattern Recognition Letters, 96, p.66-75;
Castanon G, Elgharib M-A, Saligrama V, Jodoin P-M. (2016)
Retrieval in Long Surveillance Videos using User-Described Motion & Object Attributes,
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 26(12), p.2313 - 2327;
Havaei M., Larochelle H., Poulin P., Jodoin P-M. (2016)
Within-Brain Classification for Brain Tumor Segmentation,
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 11(5), p.777-788;
Bernard O. et al. (2016)
Standardized Evaluation System for Left Ventricular Segmentation Algorithms in 3D Echocardiography.,
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 35(4), p.967-977;
Geng L-C, Jodoin P-M, Su S-Z., Li S.Z (2016)
CBDF: Compressed Binary Discriminative Feature,
Neurocomputing, 184(5), p.43-54;
Zhang D., Jodoin P-M, Li C., Cai G, Wu Y. (2015)
Novel Graph cuts Method for Multi-Frame Super Resolution ,
IEEE Signal Processing Letters. 22(12), p.2279-2283;
Jodoin P-M, Pinheiro F., Oudot F., Lalande A. (2015)
Left-Ventricle Segmentation of SPECT Images of Rats,
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 62(9), p.2260 - 2268;
Presseau C., Jodoin P-M, Descoteaux M. (2015)
A New Compression Format for Fiber Tracking Datasets,
NeuroImage, 109(1), p.73-83;
Boisvert J, Drouin M-A., Jodoin P-M. (2015)
High-speed Transition Patterns for Video Projection, 3D Reconstruction, and Copyright Protection,
Pattern Recognition, 48(3), p.720-731;
Goyette N, Jodoin P-M, Porikli F, Konrad J, Ishwar P. (2014)
Novel Dataset for Change Detection Benchmarking,
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 23(11), p.4663-4679;
Cai G, Jodoin P-M, Li S., Wu Y-D, Su S-Z, Huang Z-K (2013)
Perspective SIFT: an efficient tool for low altitude remote sensing image registration,
Signal Processing,93(11), p.3088-3110;
Jodoin P-M., Saligrama V., Konrad J. (2012)
Behavior Subtraction,
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 21(9), p.4244-4255;
Adam-Duquette A., Jodoin P-M, Bouchot O., and Lalande A. (2012)
3D segmentation of abdominal aorta from CT-scan and MR images. ,
Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 36(4), p.294-303;
Drouin M-A., Jodoin P-M., and Prémont J. (2012)
Camera-Projector Matching using Unstructured Video,
Machine Vision and Applications, 23(5), p.887-902;
Caron A., Jodoin P-M. (2011)
Image Multi-Distortion Estimation,
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,20(12), p.3442 - 3454;
Benezeth Y., Jodoin P-M, and Saligrama V. (2011)
Abnormality Detection Using Low-Level Co-occurring Events,
Pattern Recognition Letters, 32(3), p.423-431;
Ermis E. B., Clarot P., Jodoin P-M, and Saligrama V. (2010)
Activity Matching in Distributed Camera Networks ,
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,19(10), p.2595 - 2613;
Saligrama V., Konrad J., and Jodoin P-M. (2010)
A Statistical Approach to Video Anomaly Identification,
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 27(5), p.18-33;
Benezeth Y., Jodoin P.M., Emile B., Laurent H. and Rosenberger C. (2010)
Comparative Study of Background Subtraction Algorithms,
Journal of Electronic Imaging 19(3), p.1-12;
McHugh M., Konrad J., Saligrama V., and Jodoin P-M. (2009)
Foreground-Adaptive Background Subtraction,
IEEE Signal Process. Lett., vol. 16, p.390-393;
Jodoin P-M, Mignotte M. (2009)
Optical-Flow Based on an Edge-Avoidance Procedure,
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 113 (4), p.511-53;
Jodoin P-M, Mignotte M and Rosenberger C. (2007)
Segmentation Framework Based on a Label Field Fusion,
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 16(10), p.2535-2550;
Jodoin P-M, Mignotte M and Konrad J. (2007)
Statistical Background Subtraction Methods Using Spatial Cues,
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 17(12), p.1758-1763;
Jodoin P-M, Mignotte M (2006)
Markovian Segmentation et Parameter Estimation on Graphics Hardware,
Journal of Electrical Imaging, 15(3), p.330-345;
Ostromoukhov V., Donohue C. and Jodoin P-M. (2004)
Fast Hierarchical Importance Sampling with Blue Noise Properties,
SIGGRAPH, 23(3), p.488-495;
Conference papers
A. Judge, T. Judge, N. Duchateau, J.Z. Sokol, R.A. Sandler, O. Bernard, P-M. Jodoin (2024)
Domain Adaptation of Echocardiography Segmentation Via Reinforcement Learning,
In proceedings of MICCAI
A. Théberge, M.Descoteaux, P-M Jodoin (2024)
TractOracle: towards an anatomically-informed reward function for RL-based tractography,
In proceedings of MICCAI
T. Judge, O. Bernard, W. Kim, A. Gomez, A. Chartsias, and P-M Jodoin (2024)
Propagating uncertainty from predictions to clinical parameters,
In proceedings of ISBI
H. J Ling, N. Painchaud, P-Y Courand, P-M Jodoin, D. Garcia, and O. Bernard (2023)
Extraction of volumetric indices from echocardiography: which deep learning solution for clinical use?,
In proceedings of FIMH
T. Judge, O. Bernard, W-J. Cho Kim, A. Gomez, A. Chartsias, and P-M Jodoin (2023)
Asymmetric Contour Uncertainty Estimation for Medical Image Segmentation,
In proceedings of MICCAI
B.N. Kim, J. Dolz, P-M Jodoin, C. Desrosiers (2023)
Mixup-Privacy: A simple yet effective approach for privacy-preserving segmentation,
In proceedings of Information Processing In Medical Imaging (IPMI)
J. H. Legarreta, L. Petit, P-M Jodoin, and M. Descoteaux (2023)
Trading Streamlines in Tractography using Autoencoders (TINTA),
In proceedings of ISMRM & ISMRT
J. H. Legarreta, L. Petit, P-M Jodoin, and M. Descoteaux (2022)
Clustering in Tractography Using Autoencoders (CINTA),
In proceedings of MICCAI - CDMRI
J. Haitz Legarreta, L. Petit, P-M. Jodoin*, and M. Descoteaux* (2022)
You Only Autoencode Once,
In proceedings of ISMRM Diffusion Workshop (abstract) [ORAL]
A. Théberge, C. Poirier, M. Descoteaux*, and P-M Jodoin* (2022)
Incorporating Anatomical Priors into Track-to-Learn,
In proceedings of ISMRM Diffusion Workshop (abstract) [ORAL]
T. Judge, O. Bernard, M. Porumb, A. Chartsias, A. Beqiri, P-M Jodoin (2022)
CRISP - Reliable Uncertainty Estimation for Medical Image Segmentation,
In proceedings of MICCAI
T. Judge, A. Judge, P-M Jodoin (2022)
Anatomically Constrained Semi-supervised Learning for Echocardiography Segmentation,
In proceedings of Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL)
A. Theberge, P-M Jodoin*, M.Descoteaux* (2022)
The dos and donts of reinforcement learning for tractography,
In proceedings of Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL)
B. Kim, J. Dolz, C. Desrosiers, P-M Jodoin (2021)
Privacy Preserving for Medical Image Analysis via Non-Linear Deformation Proxy,
In proceedings of British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)
A. Théberge, C.Desrosiers, M.Descoteaux*, P-M Jodoin* (2021)
Track-To-Learn: A general framework for tractography with deep reinforcement learning,
In proceedings of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
A. Essemlali, E. St-Onge, J-C. Houde, M. Descoteaux, P-M. Jodoin (2020)
Alzheimers disease classification using CNN over structural connectomes ,
In proceedings of Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL)
A. Duran, P-M. Jodoin, C. Lartizien (2020)
Prostate Cancer Semantic Segmentation by Gleason Score Group in mp-MRI with Self Attention Model on the Peripheral Zone,
In proceedings of Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL)
Y. Skandarani, N. Painchaud, P-M. Jodoin, A. Lalande (2020)
On the effectiveness of GAN generated cardiac MRIs for segmentation,
In proceedings of Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL)
S. Leclerc, E. Smistad, T. Grenier, C. Lartizien, A. Østvik, F. Cervenansky, F. Espinosa, T. Espeland, E. A. R. Berg, P. Jodoin, L. Lovstakken, and O. Bernard (2019)
Ru-net: A refining segmentation network for 2d echocardiography,
In proceedings of IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS)
S. Leclerc, E. Smistad, A. Ostvik, F. Cervenansky, F. Espinosa, T. Espeland, E. A. R. Berg, P.-M. Jodoin, T. Grenier, C. Lartizien, L. Lovstakken, and O. Bernard (2019)
Deep learning segmentation in 2d echocardiography using the camus dataset : Automatic assessment of the anatomical shape validity,
In proceedings of Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL)
N Painchaud, Y Skandarani, T. Judge, O. Bernard, A. Lalande, P-M Jodoin (2019)
Cardiac MRI Segmentation with Strong Anatomical Guarantees,
In proceedings of MICCAI
Branchaud-Charron F., Aachkar A., Jodoin P-M (2019)
Spectral Metric for Dataset Complexity Assessment,
In proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
Lemaire C., Aachkar A., Jodoin P-M (2019)
Structured pruning of neural networks with budget-aware regularization,
In proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
Leclerc S, Smistad E, Grenier T, Lartizien C, Ostvik A, Espinosa F, Jodoin P-M, Lovstakken L, Bernard O. (2018)
Deep Learning Applied to Multi-Structure Segmentation in 2D Echocardiography: A preliminary investigation of the required database size,
In proceedings of IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS)
Dumont M., Van Dijk K., Morency F., Houde J-C, Jodoin P-M, Zie Z, Bauer C., Samad T., Descoteaux M. and Goodman J. (2018)
White matter free water content analysis in different stages of Alzheimers disease ,
In proceedings of ISMRM
Poulin P., Rheault F., St-Onge E, Jodoin P-M, Descoteaux M. (2018)
Bundle-Wise Deep Tracker: Learning to track bundle-specific streamline paths,
In proceedings of ISMRM
Zotti C., Luo Z., Humbert O., Lalande A., Jodoin P-M (2017)
GridNet with automatic shape prior registration for automatic MRI cardiac segmentation,
In proceedings of MICCAI - ACDC Challenge
Luo Z, Mishra A, Achkar A, Eichel J, Li S-Z, Jodoin P-M (2017)
Non-Local Deep Features for Salient Object Detection,
In proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
Dutil F., Havaei M., Pal C., Larochelle H., Jodoin P-M. (2015)
A Convolutional Neural Network Approach to Brain Lesion Segmentation,
In proceedings of MICCAI - ISLES Challenge
Havaei M., Dutil F., Pal C., Larochelle H., Jodoin P-M. (2015)
A Convolutional Neural Network Approach to Brain Tumor Segmentation,
In proceedings of MICCAI - BRATS Challenge
Wang Y, Pierard S, Su S-Z, Jodoin P-M (2015)
Nonlinear Background Filter to Improve Pedestrian Detection,
In proceedings of Scene Background Modeling and Initialization (ICIP)
Croteau E, Sarrhini O, Gascon S, Rousseau J., Lecomte R, Jodoin P-M (2015)
Comparison of semi-automatic cardiac analysis software for the evaluation of the left ventricular ejection fraction in small animal PET,
In proceedings of Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI)
Luo Z., Jodoin P-M, Li S-Z, Su S-Z. (2015)
Traffic Analysis without Motion Features,
In proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)
Bernier M., Jodoin P-M, Lalande A. (2014)
Automatized Evaluation of the Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction from Echocardiographic Images Using Graph Cut,
In proceedings of MIDAS Journal - Challenge on Endocardial Three-dimensional Ultrasound Segmentation (MICCAI)
Davy A., Havaei M., Warde-Farley D., Biard A., Tran L., Jodoin P-M, Courville A, Larochelle H, Pal C, Bengio Y (2014)
Brain Tumor Segmentation with Deep Neural Networks,
In proceedings of MICCAI - BRATS Challenge
Wang Y., Jodoin P-M, Porikli F., Konrad J., Benezeth Y, Ishwar P (2014)
CDnet 2014: An Expanded Change Detection Benchmark Dataset,
In proceedings of IEEE CVPR change detection workshop
Xia D-X, Su S-Z, Li S., Jodoin P-M (2014)
Lying-Pose Detection with Training Dataset Expansion,
In proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)
Havaei M., Jodoin P-M, Larochelle H. (2014)
Efficient Interactive Brain Tumor Segmentation as Within-Brain kNN Classification,
In proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)
Jodoin P-M, Benezeth Y, Wang Y. (2013)
Meta-Tracking for Video Scene Understanding ,
In proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance (AVSS)
Castanon G, Jodoin P-M, Saligrama V. (2012)
Exploratory Search of Long Surveillance Video,
In proceedings of ACM-Multimedia
Castanon G, Jodoin P-M, Saligrama V. (2012)
Exploratory Search of Long Surveillance Video,
In proceedings of Demo session
Castanon G, Caron A., Jodoin P-M, Saligrama V. (2012)
Real-Time Activity Search of Surveillance Video,
In proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance (AVSS)
Goyette N., Jodoin P-M, Porikli F., Konrad J. and Ishwar P. (2012) A New Change Detection Benchmark Dataset,
In proceedings of IEEE CVPR change detection workshop
Houde J-C, Jodoin P-M, Deschênes F. (2012)
Stereoscopic reconfiguration for 3D displays,
In proceedings of SPIE, Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXIII
Drouin M-A., Jodoin P-M., and Prémont J. (2010)
Camera-Projector Matching Using an Unstructured Video Stream,
In proceedings of IEEE PROCAMS
Benezeth Y., Jodoin P-M. , Emile B., Laurent H., and Rosenberger C. (2010)
Human detection with a multi-sensors stereovision system,
In proceedings of International Conference on Image and Signal Processing (ICISP)
Caron A., Jodoin P-M, and Charrier C. (2010)
Search Strategies for Image Multi-Distortion Estimation,
In proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)
Jodoin P-M, Saligrama V. Konrad J. (2009)
Implicit Active-Contouring with MRF,
In proceedings of International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR)
Benezeth Y., Jodoin P.M., Saligrama V. and Rosenberger C (2009)
Abnormal Events Detection Based on Spatio-Temporal Co-occurences,
In proceedings of IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
Clarot P, Baki E., Jodoin P-M., Saligrama V. (2009)
Unsupervised Camera Network Structure Estimation Based on Activity,
In proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC)
Jodoin P-M, Konrad J. and Saligrama V. (2008)
Modeling Background Activity for Surveillance Applications,
In proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC)
Baki E., Saligrama S., Jodoin P-M, Konrad J. (2008)
Abnormal Behavior Detection and Behavior Matching for Networked Cameras,
In proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras (ICDSC)
Benezeth Y., Jodoin P.M., Emile B., Laurent H. and Rosenberger C. (2008)
Review and Evaluation of Commonly-Implemented Background Subtraction Algorithm,
In proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)
Baki E., Saligrama S., Jodoin P-M, Konrad J. (2008)
Motion Segmentation and Abnormal Behavior Detection via Behavior Clustering,
In proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)
Jodoin P-M, Konrad J., Saligrama V. and Gaboury V. (2008)
Motion Detection with an Unstable Camera,
In proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)
McHugh M., Konrad J., Saligrama V., Jodoin P-M, and Castanon D. (2008)
Motion Detection with False Discovery Rate Control,
In proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)
Jodoin P-M, Voisin Y., Lalande A. and Bouchot O. Steinmetz E (2008)
A new technique for reconstructing 3D data from IRM images,
In proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)
Jodoin P-M, Saligrama V. and Konrad J. (2008)
Behavior Subtraction,
In proceedings of Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP)
Jodoin P-M, Rosenberger C. and Mignotte M. (2006)
Detecting Half-Occlusion with a Fast Region-Based Fusion Procedure,
In proceedings of British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)
Jodoin P-M, Mignotte M. and Konrad J (2006)
Background Subtraction Framework Based on a Local Spatial Distribution,
In proceedings of International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR)
Jodoin P-M, Mignotte M. (2006)
Optical-Flow Based on an Edge-Avoidance Procedure,
In proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)
Jodoin P-M, Mignotte M. and Konrad J. (2006)
Light et Fast Statistical Motion Detection Method Based on Ergodic Model,
In proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)
Jodoin P-M, Mignotte M and St-Amour J-F (2015)
Markovian Energy-Based Computer Vision Algorithms on Graphics Hardware,
In proceedings of International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP)
Jodoin P-M, St-Amour J-F and Mignotte M (2005)
Unsupervised Markovian Segmentation on Graphics Hardware,
In proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition (ICAPR)
Jodoin P-M, Mignotte M (2005)
Motion Segmentation Using a K-nearest-Neighbor-Based Fusion Procedure of Spatial and Temporal Label Cues,
In proceedings of International Conference on Image Analysis et Recognition (ICIAR)
Jodoin P-M, Mignotte M (2004)
Unsupervised Motion Detection Using a Markovian Temporal Model with Global Spatial Constraints,
In proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)
Jodoin P-M, Mignotte M (2004)
An Energy-Based Framework Using Global Spatial Constraints for the Stereo Correspondence Problem,
In proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)
Côté M, Jodoin P-M, Donohue C and Ostromoukhov V (2004)
Non-Photorealistic Rendering of Hair for Animated Cartoons,
In proceedings of GRAPHICON
Jodoin P-M, Ostromoukhov V (2003)
Halftoning Over a Hexagonal Grid,
In proceedings of SPIE International Society for Optical Engineering
Jodoin P-M, Epstein E, Granger-Piché M and Ostromoukhov V (2002)
Hatching by Example: a Statistical Approach,
In proceedings of Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR)
Jodoin P-M and Ostromoukhov V (2002)
Error-Diffusion with Blue-Noise Properties for Midtones,
In proceedings of SPIE International Society for Optical Engineering
Book chapters
P-M Jodoin, C.Desrosiers (2020)
From machine learning to deep learning: the basics,
Submitted for printing;
M Havaei, N. Guizard, H. Larochelle, P-M Jodoin (2016)
Deep learning trends for focal brain pathology segmentation in MRI,
Machine Learning for Health Informatics, State-of-the-art and future challenges;Springer International Publishing;LNAI 960;
Jodoin P-M, Van Droogenbroeck, Pierard S. Wang Y (2014)
Overview and benchmarking of motion detection methods,
Background Modeling and Foreground Detection for Video Surveillance, chapter 24;Chapman and Hall/CRC;
Ermis E, Saligrama V, and Jodoin P-M (2012)
Information Fusion and Anomaly Detection with Uncalibrated Cameras in Video Surveillance,
Multimedia Information Extraction; Advances in Video, Audio, and Imagery Analysis for Search, Data Mining, Surveillance, and Authoring;Wiley;ISBN:9781118118917;
Benezeth Y., Jodoin P-M, and Saligrama V. (2011)
Modeling Patterns of Activity and Detecting Abnormal Events with Low-Level co-Occurences,
Distributed Video Sensor Networks;Springer;
Jodoin P-M, Saligrama V. Konrad J. (2009)
Behavior subtraction, a new tool for video analytics,
SPIE Newsroom, Electronic Imaging & Signal Processing (;