
  • New network architecture (SDNet) that factorizes 2D medical images into spatial anatomical factors and non-spatial modality factors;
  • Various experiments to show that the learned representation is well-suited to a variety of image analysis tasks, including:
    • semi-supervised segmentation
    • multi-task segmentation and regression (e.g. Left Ventricular Volume estimation)
    • image-to-image synthesis


Learning a decomposition of data into a spatial content factor and a non-spatial style factor has been a focus of recent research in computer vision[…].

This focus can be explained by the advantages of such a representation:

  • Meaningful representation of the anatomy that can be generalized to any modality

  • Suitable format for pooling information from various imaging modalities


Spatial Decomposition Network (SDNet)

The SDNet can be seen as an autoencoder that learns multiple factors, namely:

  • \(s = f_A (x)\): a multi-channel output of binary maps, representing the anatomical components
  • \(z = f_M (x)\): the \(Q(z \vert X)\) multivariate Gaussian as in a standard VAE, representing the modality components

Other sub-networks are added to provide feedback over multiple tasks, with varying degrees of supervision:

  • \(g\): a self-supervised decoder that tries to reconstruct the input image from its \(s\) and \(a\) decomposition;
  • \(h\): a segmentor network that predicts the cardiac segmentation from \(s\).
    • When a ground truth is available for the current image, \(h\) is trained using a standard Dice loss;
    • Otherwise, the training is semi-supervised through a GAN-like adversarial loss, where a discriminator network tries to predict whether a segmentation mask was predicted by \(h\) or comes from a pool of groundtruth segmentations.

The overall loss function is the following weighted sum (determined empirically):

\[L = \lambda_1 L_{KL} + \lambda_2 L_{segm} + \lambda_3 L_{adv} + \lambda_4 L_{rec} + \lambda_5 L_{z_{rec}}\]

where \(L_{KL}\) and \(L_{rec}\) make up the autoencoder’s self-supervision, and \(L_{segm}\) and \(L_{rec}\) correspond to the aforementioned segmentation supervision or semi-supervision. The additional factor is \(L_{z_{rec}}\), which is enforces a modality factor reconstruction:

\[L_{z_{rec}} = \mathbb{E}_{z,y} [\|z - f_{modality}(y, f_{anatomy}(y))\| _{1}]\]

where \(y\) is an image produced using a random \(z\) sample. This is done to avoid a posterior collapse, where the decoder would ignore parts or the totality of the modality factor.


Semi-supervised segmentation

  • Training subset of the ACDC dataset:
    • 1920 images with manual segmentations (ED and ES) and 23,530 images with no segmentations
  • Edinburgh Imaging Facility QMRI: 26 healthy volunteers with around 30 cardiac phases each, acquired on a 3T scanner
    • 241 images with manual segmentations (ED) and 8353 images with no segmentations

Multimodal segmentation and modality transformation

  • Data from the 2017 Multi-Modal Whole Heart Segmentation (MM-WHS) Challenge: 20 cardiac CT/CT angiography (CTA) volumes and 20 cardiac MRI volumes
    • 3626 MR and 2580 CT images, all with manual segmentations of seven heart structures: myocardium, left atrium, left ventricle, right atrium, right ventricle, ascending aorta and pulmonary artery

Modality estimation

  • cine-MR and CP-BOLD images of 10 canines[…]. Two almost identical sequences with the only difference that CP-BOLD modulates pixel intensity with the level of oxygenation present in the tissue.

    • 129 cine-MR and 264 CP-BOLD images with manual segmentations from all cardiac phases


Semi-supervised segmentation

Multimodal learning

Latent space arithmetic


Other experiments were also conducted relative to modality type estimation (from modality factors) and modality factor traversal (named factor sizes in the paper).


  • The authors present a lot of details about their design choices, so it seems possible to reproduce accurately their experiments.