Deep learning reveals untapped information for local white-matter fiber reconstruction in diffusion-weighted MRI
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- ResDNN trained to map a raw diffusion MRI signal to a fODF
- Ground truth built from histology
- Outperforms CSD reconstruction on histology measurement
Input: 45 SH coefficients (order 8) fitted to ex-vivo DW-MRI Target: Histological fiber ODFs, represented by 45 SH coefficients (order 8)
Model: MLP with a residual block, with architecture: [45-400-45-200-45-200-45]
No validation set was used; cross-validation is used to determine to “optimal” number of iterations for convergence. Training time is less than 10min and prediction is done in less than 2min.
- 3 Squirrel monkey brains (2 for training, 1 for testing)
- HCP scan-rescan of 12 subjects
Ground truth for Squirrel monkey
- Computed using slice-wise staining and 3D structure tensor analysis using a confocal microscope
- Histology registered to DW-MRI data
- May be considered outdated compared to other methods, e.g. CLARITY
- Total of around 50000 voxels, including rotations as data augmentation
- Q-Ball Imaging
- Q-Ball Imaging with constant solid angle
- Super-resolved CSD at SH order 6 and 8
- Lucy-Richardson CSD
- Diffusion orientation transform
- Diffusion orientation transform revisited
- Evaluation uses ACC (Angular correlation coefficient), a measure of similarity for SH coefficients, ranging from -1 to 1
Results on Squirrel monkey
- ResDNN median: 0.82
- All others: <0.79
Results on HCP 12 subjects scan-rescan
- ResDNN: 0.74 +- 0.31
- CSD: 0.61 +- 0.31
- The model processes SH coefficients fitted to the log-space signal, and uses ReLU activations. These 2 details enforce non-negativity in SH space, as seen in Figure 8.