
They proposed a three-step segment-before-detect method for vehicle extraction and classification in very high-resolution remote-sensing.

  • Segmentation.
  • Vehicle detection (regression on the bounding boxes of connected components).
  • Object-level classification.


Segmentation: SegNet (pre-train on VGG16 on ImageNet base on conclusion of 1).

Classification: LeNet-5, AlexNet and VGG16.


  • VEDAI (Box/vehicle class) 2
  • ISPRS Potsdam (Segmentation) 3
  • NZAM/ONERA Christchurch (Box/detection) 4


Segmentaiton: Potsdam(cars) = 95.1% and Christchurch(Vehicle) = 61.9%



Transfer Learning for Vehicle Classification:

Traffic Density Estimation:

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